Google Voice is open to anyone without invites.

Great news.

Google voice is open to anyone in the world with out any invitation. Hey people jump in and register you Google Voice account. Like other Google products this is a free service and the features as per their site are as below.
  • Use one number to manage all your phones; your Google Voice number is tied to you, not to a particular device or location.
  • Voicemail like email: Save voicemail messages for as long as you'd like, star important ones, and search through them
  • Voicemail transcription: Voicemail messages will be automatically transcribed to text and sent to you via email and/or SMS.
  • Customize your callers' experience (custom voicemail greetings, decide which of your phones ring based on who's calling, send some callers straight to voicemail, etc.)
  • Define which phones ring, based on who's calling, and even ListenInTM on voicemail before answering the call. We use smart technology to route your calls. So, if you're already on a Google Voice call, we'll recognize it and use call waiting to reach you on the phone you're on.
  • Works with mobile phones, desk phones, and work phones. There's nothing to download, upload, or install, and you don't have to make or take calls using a computer.
  • International calling: Make low priced international calls from the web or from your phone.
  • Google Voice with your non-Google phone number: With this option you won't get some features (i.e. call forwarding, screening, and call recording), but you'll still get plenty of others, including:
  • Voicemail like email: Save voicemail messages for as long as you'd like, star important ones, and search through them
  • Voicemail transcription: Voicemail messages will be automatically transcribed to text and sent to you via email and/or SMS.
  • Custom voicemail greetings: Customize your voicemail greeting based on who is calling.
  • International calling: Make low priced international calls from the web or from your phone.


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